how to make French Silk Chocolate Pie Recipe | French Silk Chocolate Pie Recipe

how to make French Silk Chocolate Pie Recipe

 French Silk Chocolate Pie Recipe

Total Time to prepare   2 hr. 20 min.
Main Ingredients required to make French silk chocolate pie recipe

pie crust – 1 8 ”
sugar – 1 cup
bittersweet chocolate chips, melted and cooled- ¾ cup
softened – 1 cup butter
eggs – 5
heavy whipping cream – ½ cup
vanilla extract – 1 tsp
powdered sugar – 2 Tbsp

Directions to make French Silk Chocolate Pie recipe

Step 1: Place the crust in a pie plate and poke holes with a fork all across the bottom
Step 2: Then Line the crust with foil or parchment paper then add pastry weights and bake in a 400 F oven for about 10 – 12 minutes.
Step 3: Then Remove the paper and pastry weights and return to the oven for another 5 to 6 minutes, or until the crust is browned then remove it allow the crust to cool.
Step 4: Now In a medium-sized bowl, use an electric mixer to blend the butter and sugar together
until light and fluffy about 4 minutes. then Keep that mixer running and pour in the melted chocolate and vanilla.
Step 5: Now Add the eggs, one at a time – mixing at medium speed for about 6 minutes between each
expansion. In a different bowl, beat the whipping cream until the point that it thickens, at that point include the powdered

sugar and beat until the point that solid pinnacles shape.
Step 6: Use a rubber spatula to fold this into the chocolate mixture, then pour this into the
cooled pie crust.
Allow the pie to cool completely in the fridge (about 2 hours) before topping with
whipped cream and serving.

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